Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Doing the math - 08/08/2007

Now, I realize President Bush is not a scholar. Nor is he a mathematical wiz. His ability to equate lives for oil proves his inability to conceive of basic math. But let's look at a recent example of his utter lack of mathematical prowess.

The following excerpt is from Marketwatch here

The part that interests me is this one:

"He said that the budget blueprint passed by Congress along party lines includes an extra $205 billion in discretionary spending over the next five years.

" "That averages out to about $112 million per day; $4.7 million per hour; $78,000 per minute. Put another way, it's about $1,300 in higher spending every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every year for the next five years," Bush said."

The last time I looked, the cost of the Iraqi war was funded for four months at approximately 100 billion dollars ($142 billion dollars for combined operations in Iraq and Afghanistan for the months of June, July, August and September). That's $833,333,333 dollars a day. $34,722,222 dollars an hour, $578,705 dollars per SECOND of every minute of every hour of every day for an UNKNOWN AMOUNT OF TIME for the estimated Iraqi funding ALONE.

In other words, President Bush would rather see more money in eight months put toward killing non-American people than toward helping Americans over the next five years. He'd argue that he's keeping America safe. I'd argue that by denying increased funding for vital infrastructure and social programs, he's helping kill more Americans over the next five years than all terrorist organizations have done in the entire history of the US.

Like I said, he sucks at math. There are a lot of other things he sucks at, but this is only the most recent. Why hasn't anyone charged Bush with treason yet??? He's done more to kill Americans, put Americans in harm's way and provide moral support for terrorist organizations since 9/11 than any other human being on the planet.

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