Today, the United States military, through the now familiar vehicle of an armed observation drone, fired a missile at an American citizen and blew his ass to Hell. This was done without benefit of a trial, or any other "due process" the Constitution guarantees. I expect most of the readers here to be thinking I'm against this, that due process is the right of every American citizen and that the Obama Administration should be held accountable for war crimes.
Bullshit. Let the fucker burn in Hell. I'm GLAD they did it.
A little background is in order here.
The name of the maggot who was offed with extreme prejudice was Anwar al-Awlaki. He was born in New Mexico. He gave lectures at the same mosques attended by four of the 9/11 hijackers (at the same time they were there). He has inspired the attempt to bring down an air-liner with the now infamous "underwear bomber" (This is according to the underwear bomber himself). He forwarded the plot to send explosives-laden printer toner cartridges through various postal carriers to wreck havoc wherever they happened to be when they exploded (This is according to documents recovered in Yemen last year). And he was the inspiration for the traitor who committed mass murder of American servicemen at Fort Hood (This according to the traitor who did the crime).
He has steadfastly urged his "followers" to commit murder in the name of Islam, with a special emphasis to murdering Americans where ever they can be found. He declared war on the United States and, today, he became an extremely justified casualty of war.
I don't give a rat's ass if he was an "American citizen" or not.
No one, anywhere, has expressed remorse over Osama Bin Laudin's death. Bin Laudin was the leader of Al Qaida, the terrorist network responsible for the 9/11 attacks in New York, the Pentagon and another airliner that plunged to a fiery end in Pennsylvania when the passengers fought back. Bin Laudin didn't kill anyone, personally. He was never tired in an American court. He had no "due process". But an anonymous SEAL team hero put a bullet through his turban and offed the most evil person to ever walk the planet. Even most Muslims are glad he's dead.
My personal scale of right and wrong reserves a special place of animosity for people who sit behind the scenes and urge other people to go out and kill, or die, for a repressive, misogynistic, obsolete mythology unable to cope with the changes in the world today (Or any other cause that advocates violence in order to restrict freedom and liberty, for that matter). If they were on the front lines, risking death or doing as they urged, that at least earns them some points for putting their lives where their words are (not much, of course, but some). But hiding behind a microphone, in secret, by surprise and against civilians who have nothing more to do with the "conflict" than nationality... No. There's a special, very painful place in the afterlife for them. And if there's no Afterlife, then at least the stain of their existence on the honor of Mankind can start to be erased with their passing.
Anwar al-Awlaki (may his name be cursed by Allah and His Prophet) was EXACTLY the same as Bin Laudin. He hid behind the scenes and urged other people to kill Americans in the name of HIS religion. Bin Laudin was a Saudi Arabian, born into luxury who decided America was decadent and deserved destruction in the promotion of Islam. In some ways, that's understandable. He never lived in the US. He didn't know what the US was (supposedly) about. But the maggot al-Awlaki was an American. He was born in New Mexico. He KNEW what America was all about. And yet he decided repression, murder and violence was better than freedom, liberty and the rights he enjoyed as a citizen of the United States.
Fuck him.
ANYONE, citizen or not, who urges the murder of their fellow civilians has vacated their right to be a citizen. They have vacated their right to speak their mind. They have vacated their right to even breathe the same air as their fellow citizens. By their actions, they have vacated - no, not vacated. They have refused - the right to "due process".
In my opinion, a hellfire missile up their asses IS "due process".
I do not often advocate for the death of anyone. But like I said, some people deserve to die. Once they reach that level of animosity on my personal scale of right and wrong, I couldn't give a shit if they were citizens, my own brother or the whack-job, raving nutcase terrorist they are. Some people SHOULD die. Not because of what they've done themselves. But for the violence, death and terror they inspire others to commit.
So for those of you who think I'm a liberal, fuck you. I'm an American who loves my country.
For those of you reading only this and think I'm a conservative, fuck you, I'm an American who loves my country.
And this American who loves his country is a moderate. Moderates have points of view that align with the left or the right at times. Try to remember, we don't HAVE to be polarized as a people. Only the politicians, who live to get elected, have to appeal to a particular bias. The rest of us are free to be ourselves - and it would be nice if all of you reading this voted for a moderate.
For this blog post, you get to see my conservative side, my Pro-American side, my love of country and the ideals for which it stands side. It's also my "yeah, go ahead and kill the fucker" side most people would associate with conservatives. I do have that side. Everyone does to some extent. I just try to reserve it for the most deserving of those who should be poster children for retroactive birth control, rather than some average fellow citizen whose politics differ from mine (which is what some other conservatives often do).
Some of my views defy categorization altogether. But regardless of our political differences, our religious differences and even our social differences, in my mind, if you don't put the good of the country ahead of all, then you don't deserve to live here, let alone be a citizen of my country.
Sometimes I'm a flaming asshole. But I'm a proud AMERICAN flaming asshole. Fuck with my country, you will die.
It's times like this that I wish I believed in the Christian Hell and I hope Anwar al-Awlaki is burning there. At the very least, I'm glad he's resting in pieces. Those who think the rule of law has been broken, the Constitution violated and the government on some slippery slope of offing American citizens on a whim anywhere in the world, I simply say that if Anwar al-Awlaki had his way, there would only be Sharia Law and a hell of a lot more people would be killed for a lot less reason and with a lot less "due process" than waging war against the United States. The ONLY "mistake" I can think of is that the United States didn't strip this filth of his citizenship BEFORE the missiles flew. If they had, Anwar al-Awlaki would have had no more legal standing in the U.S. than Osama Bin Laudin.
Maybe the U.S. government will remember that for the next time it happens - assuming it ever happens again. It's a minor formality - proving treason and pronouncing a death sentence - but it's "due process". I expect that will shut up the bleeding hearts who think the government is out to get everyone who criticizes it.
Some people deserve to die. Bin Laudin is dead. Anwar al-Awlaki was next in line. I hope #3 on the list is shitting little green kittens and is constantly looking over his shoulder right about now. Maybe if we kill enough of the ones urging others to go out and kill people over religion, politics or ideology, they'll stop trying to urge others to go out and kill people over religion, politics and ideology. But even if not, there's one less maniac in the world tonight and I'm good with that.
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